Why Do Some Dangerous Chemicals Have A Longer Approval Process for Purchase Requests


1. We refer to chemicals that require recognition by government regulatory departments such as emergency, public security, and food and drug administration in order to purchase or use them as controlled chemicals. Purchases need to be approved by EHS and then reported to relevant departments.


2. Explosive chemicals: 74 types of nine categories including nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid, chlorate, perchlorate, active metals, sulfur, nitro compounds, and potassium permanganate.


3. Toxic chemicals: 32 types of three categories including sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetone, ether, chloroform, toluene, and potassium permanganate.


4. Highly toxic chemicals: Referring to the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals, it includes 148 types of artificially synthesized chemicals and natural toxins mixtures.