Laboratory Safety Orientation Carried Out for Fall 2021 Enrolled New Students


On September 8, 2021 during the Orientation Week of the Fall 2021 Enrolled New Students, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety gave laboratory safety trainings for all new undergraduate and graduate students. More than 1,200 freshmen attended in the laboratory safety training.

The laboratory safety orientation aims to introduce the importance of laboratory safety. The purpose is to cultivate students’ safety awareness, strengthen the overall understanding of laboratory safety, and introduce our school’s laboratory safety management functional institutions, so that students can work in the laboratory in the future. Lay the foundation for the smooth development of scientific research and learning within the country. Jin Huang, the training supervisor of the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Department, introduced the departmental functions, organizational structure and team division of the Environmental Health and Safety Division.


She started with classic cases of college laboratories, introduced laboratory safety from the aspects of understanding laboratories (ID hazards and safety signs), personal protection and behavioral safety, and laboratory emergency equipment and measures. Teacher Huang focused on the identification of laboratory risk sources, precautions and related knowledge of controlled chemicals, biological safety, radiation safety and other special safety.


Through this training observation, students have a certain foundation of laboratory safety awareness and fully realize the importance of cultivating safety awareness. The Department of Environmental Health and Safety will continue to carry out different forms of EHS safety culture education in order to improve the safety awareness of teachers and students and cultivate a safety culture atmosphere.