【EHS 培训】高压蒸汽灭菌器安全培训

作者:  发布者:黄金 发布时间:2024-07-15 浏览次数:10



高压蒸汽灭菌器是利用蒸汽并能维持一定压力的装置, 可对玻璃器皿、溶液培养基、医疗器械、敷料等进行消毒灭菌,属于特种设备。高压蒸汽灭菌器使用不当会带来高温蒸汽灼伤、玻璃器皿炸裂等潜在风险;高压灭菌锅排气、水质和排水不当等,也会造成一定安全隐患。


为进一步加强高压蒸汽灭菌器的安全使用, 环境安全与健康处联合生命学院、免疫化学研究所和iHuman研究所共同组织专项培训,具体安排如下:



地点:生命学院LA106 教室


         复旦大学BSL-3 实验室安全员











Dear all,


The autoclave is a device that utilizes steam at certain pressure for sterilizing glassware, solution media, medical instruments, dressings, and other items. It is classified as special equipment. Improper use of autoclaves can lead to potential risks such as burns from high-temperature steam and explosions of glassware. Additionally, improper exhaust, water quality, and drainage of the autoclave can also pose certain safety hazards.


To further enhance the safe use of autoclaves, the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, in conjunction with the School of Life Science and Technology (SLST), Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, and the iHuman Institute, will jointly organize a training session. Details are as follows:


Time: Wednesday, July 17th, 13:30-14:30

Location: Room A106 Building L, SLST

Speaker:     Dr. Zhiping Sun

Safety Officer at the BSL-3 Laboratory of Fudan University

Biosafety Supervisor and Equipment Administrator


After classroom training, Dr. Zhiping Sun will provide on-site guidance on the proper use of autoclaves. Laboratory personnel who use autoclaves are welcome to attend this training session.


Office of Environmental Health and Safety

July 15, 2024