关于中秋节、国庆节期间实验室安全工作的通知 | Notice on Laboratory Safety during National Day Holiday and Mid-Autumn Festival

作者:  发布者:黄金 发布时间:2023-09-28 浏览次数:10

各位老师、同学, 大家好!



1.    各单位要进一步重视实验室安全管理工作,加强实验室安全工作的组织领导,按照“党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责”要求,压实实验室安全管理责任,严防各类实验室安全事故发生。

2.    各单位须组织开展节前实验室安全隐患全面排查。 对发现的问题,举一反三,立查立改,消除安全隐患,确保实验室安全。

3.    各单位须加强实验场所危险源的规范管理。强化管控化学品(易制毒、易制爆、麻醉药品等)和生物病原体等安全管理,保管责任落实到人;规范实验场所危险废弃物暂存安全管理;加强实验场所用电、用气、用水的安全管理,特别对气瓶、加热设备、冰箱等容易引发火灾或爆炸危险的设施要加强管理,落实管理责任人,确保安全。

4.    研究生导师、导师团队作为研究生安全的责任人要严格执行安全管理和教育,切实落实导师责任制。加强对学生实验室安全知识、技能和操作规范培训。

5.    请各单位尤其重视新生安全教育和实验室准入工作,及时督促新生在规定时间内完成实验室安全培训和准入考试。

6.    对于假期需要在实验室开展工作的,严格执行相关操作规程,夜间避免单独实验,并进行报备。开展危险性实验时,须有导师或实验员在场对其进行指导。

7.    请各实验室落实安全值班、应急事件及时上报制度。对于假期没有工作任务的实验场所,建议进行封门管理,关闭电源、气源、水源、门窗,防范安全事故发生。







Dear all,


Please be noted of and implement the following lab safety measures during the National Day Holiday and Mid-Autumn Festival.

1)             Inspect your lab and take proper safety measures for the findings. Be cautious on the use and storage of high-risk sources, including hazardous chemicals, gas cylinders and pipes, powered devices, pressurized vessels, radiation, laser etc.

2)             Strengthen the management of hazardous medicals, infectious microorganisms and hazardous waste,  and fulfill the duties of safety managers.

3)             Do not arrange experiments of high risks and work over night during holiday. Follow your lab’s safety rules and SOPs. At least two personnel are present in the lab if experiments are being carried on.

4)            Make sure water, power, gas, doors and windows etc. are properly shut off or running safely when you leave or shut down the lab.

5)            Principal investigators, lab directors and EHS contacts should take the responsibility of your lab’s safety, and can be reached by phone during the holiday in case of emergency.

Laboratory safety should be strengthened further. Please make sure laboratory management, personal protective equipment and engineering control are implemented. Please ensure laboratory safety, and create a stable, safe and harmonious campus.


Wish you a happy and safe holiday!


Office of EHS

September 28, 2023